he ultimate Antari Haze Machine for the entertainment industry is the HZ-500. A groundbreaking masterpiece from the Antari R&D team after many years of hard work. The performance of HZ-500 haze machine is second to none and better than any other haze machine on the stage. It works with any laser light and lighting effects perfectly to bring the best atmospheric effects to all events.
HZ-500 is the choice of stage designers, TV studios, production companies, performers, and audiences who have sensitive surroundings and quiet settings.
Antari HZ-500 Haze Machine
Main Features:
Ideal for all venues where silence is golden. Low-noise: Below 70dB at 10 cm distance.
Dry haze: the HZ-500 produces very dry haze, which does not generate redundant moisture.
Extremely small particulates: HZ-500 makes incredibly tiny particulates, haze is distributed further and faster, with a greater hang time.
Metal net and filter in the intake hole can prevent hazers from clogging problems. The metal net and filter are serviceable -can be detached easily and cleaned with water.
Super low haze liquid consumption rate: 20 hours/ per litre
A compact flight case is included making the unit tougher and durable and easy to carry.
What is the difference between a smoke machine and a hazer? Both are used to make beams from lighting effects visible in the air. Smoke machines jet out thick white smoke, whereas hazers run continuously, creating a thinner haze which can be seen when beams of light shine through it. Hazers are often used in corporate or theatrical situations when the blast of smoke from a smoke machine would be too intrusive or noisy. The visibility of smoke created by smoke machines means they’re used for special effects, fire drill training etc whereas Hazers can be left to operate continuously and inconspicuously.
Low-noise (Below 70dB at 10cm), Dry Hazer